Avalanche basics

Avalanche situation report

Anyone traveling in unsecured terrain should also be familiar with the avalanche situation report. This gives you information about the current conditions in the mountains and informs you before every tour what avalanche danger level currently exists.

Here you can find information about the danger levels. However, the avalanche situation report contains much more information about danger spots, avalanche problems and trends. Please find out more about this topic, for example on the website lawinen.report.

Danger levels

The danger level is a central component of the avalanche situation report and provides information about the estimated avalanche danger of certain regions.

Very large

Extraordinary avalanche situation

Many very large and extreme spontaneous avalanches are to be expected. These can reach roads and settlements in valley areas.


Avoiding snow sports away from open slopes and routes is recommended.


Very critical avalanche situation

Spontaneous, often very large, avalanches are likely. Avalanches can be easily triggered on many steep slopes. Remote releases are typical. Thumping noises and cracks are common.


Limit yourself to moderately steep terrain. Pay attention to run-out areas of large avalanches. Inexperienced people stay on the open runs and routes.


Critical avalanche situation

WUMM noises and cracks are typical. Avalanches can be easily triggered, especially on steep slopes at the exposures and altitudes specified in the lawinen.report. Spontaneous avalanches and remote triggering are possible.


Most critical situation for winter sports enthusiasts! Optimal route selection and application of risk-reducing measures are necessary. Avoid very steep slopes at the exposures and altitudes specified in the lawinen.report. Inexperienced people are better off staying on the open slopes and routes.


Mostly favorable avalanche situation

Alarm signs can occur sporadically. Avalanches can be triggered especially on very steep slopes at the exposures and altitudes specified in the lawinen.report.


Choose your route carefully, especially on slopes at the exposures and altitudes specified in the lawinen.report. Drive individually on very steep slopes. Be particularly careful if the snow cover builds up unfavorably (old snow problem).

Small amount

Generally favorable avalanche situation

There are no alarm signs detectable. Avalanches can only be triggered in isolated cases, especially on extremely steep slopes.


Drive individually on extremely steep slopes and be aware of the risk of falling.